And now, a glimpse at The Hek's day.
10:00am: The Hek wakes up
11:00am: The Hek gets a call from CKCU asking him to fill in from 1-3pm. The Hek accepts!
11:30am: The Hek goes to the doctor so he can have a bandage for his injured toe changed.
12:30pm: After waiting for an hour, The Hek is forced to leave and go to CKCU. The nurse tells him to come back later before 5:30pm.
12:40pm: The Hek arrives at CKCU and gets ready for show.
1:00pm: The Hek goes on air and has a great two hour show. Apparently, people in the CKCU office were dancing when The Hek played "Jive Talkin."
3:00pm: The Hek finishes his show and then helps his friend Chia with a computer program she is deigning for CKCU. The Hek also grabs a beagle, the second thing he has eaten today. A granola bar was the first.
3:30pm: The Hek zooms to the library to photo copy some notes for a friend who missed Tuesday's film lecture.
4:00pm: The Hek goes to his Canadian Literature class. Does his presentation on "The Luck of Ginger Coffee" and bolts for the doctor's office.
4:30pm: The arrives at the Doctor's office and waits.
4:45pm: A nurse changes The Hek's bandages and now he has to go back there on Friday.
5:00pm: The Hek arrives home, votes in the RRRA election and eats dinner.
That's it. That's all. Baby goes to sleep.
The Hek
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