Thursday, March 16, 2006

Today I want to share some quality poetry. Both of these poems come from two legends; Louis Dudek and Leonard Cohen. Not many people realize the amazing things that occurred in Montreal during the 40's, 50's and 60's. Montreal was the birth of the modernist movement and home to many great poets. The Hek wonders if all the ACWC literary lovers know about this.

A Dead Language

By: Louis Dudek

Art is the Language of God
that man was just trying to learn

There have been a few fluent speakers
in the past

but they are now incomprehensible
to the people

We still like the sound of the words

This next poem was written for a girl named Anne. However, I believe you can switch Anne's name with the name of any female from your past; Lita, Esmerelda, Margaret, Mary-Ellis.

For Anne

By Leonard Cohen

With Annie gone,
Whose eyes to compare
With the morning sun
Not that I did compare
But I do compare
Now that she's is gone

The Hek


Billy Ruffian said...

Hek, you're good to the poets.

Anonymous said...

The Anne one's been on the TTC. Great poem though.

- Mr. Wood