Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Strombo vs. Caine

Have to give props to Omni Television.

The station (Omni 1 to be exact) is airing Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, every Tuesday and Wednesday at 11:00pm. Last night, I was originally going to watch The Hour. But I'm sorry. George Strombonopolis vs. David Carradine? It's no contest. Master Caine will win every time.

The best part is that Kung Fu also airs on Wednesdays and Thursdays, at 11:00am and 1:00pm.

The Hek

- Be sure to catch Episode Twenty-two of The Audio Circus -


Anonymous said...

My mom and I love Kung Fu.

Money fight with Scrooge. Sorry it took me so long to listen.

- Mr. Wood

Eric Rosenhek said...

Thanks for voting.